Author: admin

  • How To Use FlyWire for Connectomics

    How To Use FlyWire for Connectomics

    Welcome to FlyWire, a community connectomics project that has mapped the entire adult Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) brain! For more information, see Release 630 is the default view in FlyWire and contains reconstructions of the 127,978 neurons that were proofread in the Connectome publication <bioRxiv>. 72,403 (56%) of these cells have been typed or labeled by the Drosophila community; annotation…

  • Expert Proofreading Tips for the BANC (Brain and Nerve Cord) Dataset

    Expert Proofreading Tips for the BANC (Brain and Nerve Cord) Dataset

    Here are some proofreading tips specific to the BANC (Brain and Nerve Cord) dataset in FlyWire. Using Mitochondria For Continuations For this particular dataset, you may often find that the dark mitochondria in a branch cause the AI to grow confused and terminate the branch instead of finding the extension. However, although most mitochondria don’t…

  • BANC Proofreading 101: Climb into Spelunker

    BANC Proofreading 101: Climb into Spelunker

    Spelunker is the latest neuroglancer platform for proofreading and annotating large electron microscopy datasets. Whether you’re brand new to proofreading or or need some guidance while getting acquainted with the updated platform, this tutorial will help get going. Request access to BANC at Interface overview Let’s begin by taking a look at the spelunker interface.…

  • FlyWire Data Challenge: Feedforward Sort with Minimum Feedback

    In this challenge our goal is to order neurons from the fly connectome in a maximally “feedforward” way. The high level motivation is gaining insights into the direction of information flow in the brain. The FlyWire connectome is modeled as a directed graph G=(V,E) where V – nodes – represent neurons, and E – weighted…

  • Neuronal wiring diagram of an adult brain: Extended Figures

    Extended figures with Codex links, additional visualizations, animations, etc. for the publication Neuronal wiring diagram of an adult brain.

  • FlyWire Data Challenge: BANC-VNC Matching

    First, Congratulations to the winners the Flywire Feedback Data Challenge! Find a recording of the Award Lecture at took place at Princeton University on Oct 28, 2024, here. Up next: cell identification in The BANC. Jump the the VNC Challenge Page in Codex Our goal in this challenge is to determine whether connectivity information alone…

  • One Year of Citizen Science in FlyWire