Welcome to FlyWire, a community connectomics project that has mapped the entire adult Drosophila melanogaster (fruit fly) brain! For more information, see flywire.ai.
Release 630 is the default view in FlyWire and contains reconstructions of the 127,978 neurons that were proofread in the Connectome publication <bioRxiv>. 72,403 (56%) of these cells have been typed or labeled by the Drosophila community; annotation is ongoing. New annotations are updated immediately in Codex (Connectome Data Explorer). Proofreading is still accepted from users who have gained edit access to the production dataset. Changes to segmentation will be included in future release versions.
Read below for a walk through the complete FlyWire interface.
FlyWire Interface and Editing
Interface Overview
Before we begin looking at cells, it’s important to get acquainted with the FlyWire interface.
We’ll start by highlighting a few areas of the interface you’ll need to use frequently, and some which will improve your proofreading experience.

Let’s take a closer look at just the layers, which sit at the top of the screen. Each layer can have its visibility toggled on or off, and each has a different set of tools associated with it. You will mainly be working in Layer 2, the 3D segmentation layer.

Now we’ll zoom in on the “Layer Controls” panel, seen on the right side of the screen. If you do not see this panel, you will need to select a layer with CTRL+Click or right-click.
Many of the Layer Controls are not used frequently, or at all. Let’s take a look at just the ones that are necessary or useful.
Here’s a closer look at the Rendering toolbox in the 3D Segmentation layer (Layer 2).

Hopefully you now feel a little more comfortable navigating in FlyWire. We’ll take a look at some additional layer tools later on.
One of your most important interface tools is the Share button. This will give you a link to your current work in its current state.

It will link to your current coordinates, show all segments currently selected, and give a snapshot of how your segments look at the point in time when you share, even if they change later on. Think of the Share button like an interactive screenshot.
Please use Share any time time you are linking to your work, and NOT a copypaste of the FlyWire URL. You may find it helpful to paste the Share link in the Q&A Log if you’re confused by something in your cell but you need to pause your FlyWire activities before you can get a real-time answer about it.
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