Tag: help

  • FlyWire Proofreading Tips

    FlyWire Proofreading Tips

    In this document we’re going to go over some common problems you are likely to come across when proofreading in FlyWire. Using these tips you’ll learn how to better spot cell structure errors, and work around tricky spots in the dataset. X-Shaped Mergers These are what you’d traditionally think of as a merger, with a…

  • How to find photoreceptors to proofread and label

    How to find photoreceptors to proofread and label

    Big thanks to FlyWire team member Szi-chieh for putting together this guide for finding photoreceptors! Introduction Drosophila has two chief motion detection pathways (reference): Since we have all Mi1 cells labeled in the left hemisphere, based on the motion detection pathways, we can work our way up using an individual Mi1 to locate its presynaptic…

  • Extras to Enhance FlyWire

    Extras to Enhance FlyWire

    As well as FlyWire’s browser add-ons, there are a few different things you can do on FlyWire to alter your user experience, without any add-ons needed. You don’t need to consider these tricks necessary for getting the hang of the Neuroglancer platform, but for those of you who like to fiddle with code or explore…

  • FlyWire FAQ

    FlyWire FAQ

    Find the most commonly asked FlyWire questions and answers here!

  • To trace, or not to trace? How to know when your cell is finished

    To trace, or not to trace? How to know when your cell is finished

    How perfect is too perfect? Let’s go over some tricks and tips to decide when it’s time to stop proofreading.

  • FlyWire Help: What will my cell look like?

    FlyWire Help: What will my cell look like?

    Take a look at the morphology of cells in the optical column, the area of the fly brain we are reconstructing.

  • FlyWire Help! Quick Commands

    FlyWire Help! Quick Commands

    A help menu is available to you in the FlyWire overview. However, it can be a bit difficult to parse some of these commands. This post will act as a quick reference for some of FlyWire’s most used mouse and keyboard commands.

  • FlyWire Help! Name that Error

    FlyWire Help! Name that Error

    Did you receive and error message when trying to edit in FlyWire? This reference will help you get you back on track!